Dentist Worcester


Private Price Guide  
Scale & Polish 
X—rays (each) 
Silver (Amalgam) fillings from 
White (Composite) fillings from 
Crowns from 
Dentures from 
Fees are subject to change. 
The prices shown are presented as a guide and may change according to a patient's individual needs. 
NHS Dental Care Charges 
Please note: we are not accepting new NHS patients. 
The charge you pay depends on the treatment you need to keep your mouth, teeth and gums healthy. You will only ever be asked to pay one charge for each complete course of treatment, even if you visit your dentist more than once to finish it—either Band 1, Band 2 or Band 3. 
For more information about NHS services, please visit 
Consent Policy 
In our practice, we treat patients politely and with respect, recognising their dignity and rights as individuals. We also encourage patients to be involved in decisions about their care and, before embarking on any aspect of patient care, we seek their consent to do so – recognising the rights of patients to decide what happens to themselves. We recognised that patients have the right to refuse advice or treatments. 
Click here for more info > 
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